Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring is Here!!!

I love Spring! And Summer! And Fall! Not Winter so much as I don't like to be cold. It appears that Spring has finally sprung in our neck of the woods and I couldn't be happier.
Today I am showing you a few signs of Spring in my yard--no, not me tanning!!! This is a closeup of the buds on my lilac bush getting ready to open up with beautiful blossoms! My lilac bushes are special because they were given to me by a special friend who died about a year and a half after giving them to me. Every year when they bloom I am reminded of what a wonderful friend he was. He left behind a sweet wife who is just as wonderful as he was.

This next picture is of our Kirk's Blue Plum tree. Raintree Nursery's description of this delectable delight is "Introduced by Joseph Kirke of London in 1830 and still the finest flavored of all plums. The large round dark blue freestone fruit has yellow drippingly juicy flesh with a fantastic flavor." I am not a plum lover because of the tart skin but the Kirk's Blue doesn't have a tart skin so is sweet and juicy all the way through! This tree only bares heavy every other year and this is the year!!!

My strawberry patch is feelin' the heat--leafing out and flowering! I can hardly wait to taste those fresh, sweet, succulent berries! Last year they struggled a little but this year they look like they are going to be good strong plants. Any of you who read my blog last year know that picking berries is one of my favorite things to do--It's like a treasure hunt!  My husband had them covered over with straw for the winter but has pushed the straw back so they can soak up some rays! The straw is nice when the berries are on to keep the berries out of the dirt so they don't get wet. When they sit on the wet ground they tend to rot and we don't want that now, do we?

The raspberries are just starting to leaf out and I do LOVE raspberries! Soon you won't be able to see through the fence because of all the raspberry leaves. It will soon be time to make Raspberry Lemonade again! Last year we found it was even better than Strawberry Lemonade!! It is so much fun seeing the plants budding and blooming and getting ready to produce wonderful fruit through the summer.

My husband is an avid gardener. He actually gets excited about working in the soil and planting food and flowers! I didn't get that bug but do enjoy watching the things he plants grow.
This last picture is of destruction and despair! We have a lovely asparagus patch and have been looking forward to being able to eat freely from it for the first time this year. Well, our sweet little Rocky has decided that he really likes vegetables. A few weeks ago he ate a whole row of kale and just recently we found him munching down in the asparagus patch. You can see in the picture where he munched off and broke off the asparagus. However, we did have a nice mess of asparagus this weekend and it was DELICIOUS!!!

I hope you are having a great day and are enjoying all the signs of Spring! Tomorrow I will be back with a card from our Happy Stampers club meeting from last week. Happy Spring! Kat

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